Australia is a vibrant and dynamic country with friendly and energetic people. The beautiful multicultural, English-speaking country has a welcoming society where students can travel and learn freely. Australia is rapidly becoming one of the preferred destinations in terms of quality education.
In this article, we present student essays where several international students explain why they chose to study in Australia. We’ll also take a look at some of the reasons why you should study abroad at an Australian university.
About Studying in Australia

The amazing land of kangaroos attracts the third largest numbers of international students from English speaking countries after the UK and the US. And for a pretty good reason: the Australian universities rank highly among universities internationally. In addition, the Australian Education system is recognized internationally.
Australia offers quality educational experiences and provides a unique education with a learning style which encourages students to get innovative, think independently and become more creative. Graduates from Australia universities are usually very successful when it comes to finding jobs and holding prominent positions all across the world (see graduate salaries). Additionally, graduates are readily accepted for all kinds of postgraduate studies at the leading international universities.
Why I Want to Study in Australia Essays
As part of a study abroad essay competition, international students from the United States and other countries each wrote an essay explaining why they’re going to study in Australia.
A Chance to Grow
by Ricardo Pozo from Brooklyn NY, USA
At one point or another when we’re amongst friends, a common question will arise. It always goes something along the lines of “If you could go anywhere in the world, where to?” My answer has always been the same. Australia.
Something has always just drawn me to it and until recently it was away just a wandering thought in the back of my head and now my school is not only offering me a chance to go but to study the things I love and have only seen through a screen. It feels surreal to even think about actually going to Sydney and seeing not only the diverse wildlife but the environment that helped to shape it.
Observing the differences in how health is treated between the U.S. and Australia would be an invaluable experience on my journey to help people become their best selves. This is a chance to grow in my field and better hone in on the aspects of health that seem to be the most neglected across cultures.
To close with a little story, I remember asking my high school geometry teacher Mr. Willet who is from Australia if they eat kangaroos and he said “yeah they’re high in protein and delicious” something I’ve always wondered about since.
From Science to Personhood
by Cadence Russell from Austin, Texas USA
Studying abroad in Australia is the opportunity of a lifetime. There is only one Great Barrier Reef, and nothing comes even close to comparing.
It is undeniable the skills in field research this opportunity presents for me, getting that hands-on experience and training that will be required of me throughout my career. The skills gained from field research in this capacity would boost my academic career exponentially, giving me not only the opportunity to be a part of something but to continue field research like this in other mechanisms. It builds the foundation for my academic research and senior capstone.
But it’s more than just science. Australia gives me the opportunity to build myself as a person. The more people you talk to, the more stories you hear, it makes you a better person, one more empathetic and caring of those unlike yourself. The lives people live in Australia are obviously so unlike my own, with stories and experiences I can only dream of, a dream reality across the ocean. But we too are more alike than we realize, in our feelings and emotions, in our care for the environment and experiences we might have.
So often I feel that we think the oceans between us make us unable to connect, to understand, but it’s a lie. We are all people after all, with hopes and dreams, and desires. It is this understanding that I wish to gain, more than just scientific knowledge and experience.
A Brighter Future
by Tafa Bentley from Samoa
My trip for my future is one big adventure. Although it will require great will and patience to learn and maintain all life’s lessons, the motivation will be a better future for my family. Studying abroad, especially in a great country like Australia, will be both enjoyable and colourful with its rich multiculturalism and a strong emphasis on its history and people.
Their accent is fascinating, and their love for football and cricket matches my interests. Everyone is welcome as equality is greatly upheld. There have been many people migrating here, all looking for a better lifestyle. It is a great environment to live and grow in. I, too, have been blessed to be a part of their community.
Shall I succeed, it will not be for me, but all my loved ones. Australia has a strong tradition of celebrating your successes, and even if you fall short, we are always encouraged to get back up and try again. Such empowering community and relaxed people make it fun and comfortable to study and work. People support one another, and that’s the attitude here. So basically, the goal of my trip is for a brighter future for my four boys.
New Perspectives on Journalism
by Alandra Garza from Richmond TX, United States of America
Studying Abroad has always been something that sounded intriguing and interesting. I have investigated different semester programs in a variety of places and believe one of them suites the future I desire best. Bond University in Gold Coast Australia offers many programs suited to the educational aspects of life. Most importantly, they offer an excellent journalism program.
Being in Australia will allow me to explore a different side of journalism while also embracing the culture. Actively obtaining knowledge about the way different society’s think and feel about certain situations and how that compares to our opinions in America, is a different learning milestone specifically for study abroad students. This will allow me to expand my viewpoint when writing and offer a perspective to the audience that is not so one sided.
Getting to know the Australian culture is also beneficial as I hope to live there one day. So, it would be great to already be familiar with their society and their world of journalism.
Additionally, they offer a photography course, which I intend to minor in. Being in Australia offers incredible scenery that is perfect for wildlife photography. It will also present amazing opportunity’s to hopefully expand my photography by utilizing the beaches and shooting the magnificent underwater marine life. Studying abroad can affect the whole and small areas of one’s life for the greater part of the future and everyone should take part.
Finding My Future in Australia
by Lindsey McMackin from Souderton, PA USA
Studying Abroad is something that should be a life changing, incredibly memorable experience. As someone who is an Earth Science major, studying abroad in Australia is a dream. The diverse marine ecosystems there are unmatched throughout the world.
I had always planned on using my future to do environmental research and have had an interest in ways to stop the decay of coral reefs. This is rather difficult to be sure of though as I am from Pennsylvania, which is a landlocked state. Studying abroad in Australia could confirm that research into coral bleaching is my future. I am an avid scuba diver and swimmer, but have never had the opportunity to see the Great Barrier Reef.
No matter what, this opportunity will shape my way of thinking about the oceans for a long time. I doubt that I will ever lose the appreciation for nature that I will gain during my study abroad experience.
Finding Strength in Uncertainty
by Suzie Stone from Calgary, Canada
Studying abroad is an incredible opportunity to develop greater insight into one’s career field, improve upon independence and self awareness, as well as attain life-altering experiences.
In knowing that Australia is further advanced in the field of sport science than Canada, the courses offered will give a wider perspective of the different careers one can attain and what areas of research are being explored. The courses offered at UWA are far more practical and hands-on, promoting a deeper, experiential way of learning. What if one of their courses sparks a research idea that I can bring with me back to Canada?
Flying solo to the opposite side of the world and being in a country where not a single soul is known, will also challenge one’s independence. Being in this vulnerable situation may make it clear who you are at your core, when there is no family identity or group of friends to fall back on. Furthermore, there may be situational roadblocks, such as getting lost, that will build self-reliance and the more sticky situations one can conquer by themself, the greater confidence and trust they will build within.
All of the skills and experiences gained will spark a sense of maturity, reflecting the positive growth from the exchange! Finally, upon return to Canada, I will be able to reflect on the differences between the two cultures and determine the next steps to be taken in my own journey.
1. High Quality Education

Australia has a strong education system, and its universities are consistently ranked among the best in the world. Degrees from Australian universities are well recognized.
The country’s higher education (university) industry is federally regulated. The government of Australia evaluates all the country’s universities on a yearly basis so as to make sure that they’re maintaining the set high quality standards. Courses undertaken by international students are covered by AQF (abbreviation for, Australian Qualification Framework).
Degrees from Australian universities look really good on anyone’s educational portfolio. In addition to this, the country has 40+ universities, and many of them are among the top 50 in the worldwide rankings. The cities of Australia are also ranked among the best student cities for quality education.
2. English Speaking
One of the reasons why international students choose to study in Australia is because English is the primary language of instruction in Australian universities and colleges. Students who speak English as a second language will not face any language barriers while studying in Australia.
Many students who are still working on mastering the English Language choose Australia as their destination due to the fact that it is an English-speaking country. Australia offers the chance of a better environment to work on language skills along with education.
Additionally, many universities in Australia offer English language courses and support services for international students. You’ll get help them improve your language skills and adjust to the academic environment.
3. Student Visa Perks
Although international students are required to get a student visa for them to enter Australia, the perks which come along with the visa, set this nation apart.
All students with a visa are eligible for job opportunities in Australia. International students are generally allowed to get work while they’re on student visas; this helps them earn some money for their daily expenses. Students can work for up to 40 hrs every 2 weeks in jobs which require basic skills, like in the food and beverage services, in grocery stores, and even in certain roles in their respective universities.
4. Multicultural Environment
Australia is a friendly, safe, harmonious and multicultural society. It is home to students from all walks of life hailing from a wide spectrum of geographical and cultural backgrounds. The ease with which you can integrate into the culture is one of the reasons why Illinois State University has multiple Australian cities among its popular study abroad destinations.
Australians greatly value the wealth of their cultural diversity and the social sophistication international students bring into communities and universities. Great care is normally taken when looking after international students, and helping them easily adjust to their amazing way of life; this makes it easy for one to easily settle right in. In addition to this, Australia has a strict gun control law, and low crime rates providing a safe and secure environment.
In many Australian cities and towns, there are dedicated international student support centers to provide assistance to international students. You can get information on legal rights, job training, and opportunities for social interaction with other students from both the local and international community.